Core Process


In general, ACCESS takes a bottom-up approach to electro-plate Via Posts in it’s proprietary substrate fabrication technologies that are patented in three issued patents in the US and elsewhere. Unlike competing coreless substrate suppliers, ACCESS does not require drilling holes into the dielectric material and subsequently plating metal into the drilled holes to create vias using drill & fill technology.  Rather, ACCESS produces Via Posts by pattern plating metal into a photoresist, or by panel plating the metal via layer and etching away superfluous metal in a sacrificial variant technology. ACCESS' current commercial fabrication plant regularly simultaneously deposits over 2 million via posts per layer in a single, large panel configuration, containing an array of IC substrates in strip or single unit format. ACCESS' competitors use drill & fill to create vias.  Since each hole must be drilled individually, this is a more time-consuming process, resulting in a higher cost per via.

Following is illustration of Via processing, --via pattern formed in photo resist, after plating-lamination-grinding, the top of via is exposed.